Thursday 28 July 2016

Does Your Cat Have A Food Allergy?

When you see your cat scratching and licking itself incessantly, your first assumption might be fleas. While that’s certainly a possibility, food allergies are actually a very common cause of feline skin irritation. Here are three common signs that your cat might be allergic to its food.

1. Consistent Itching

Itchy skin is perhaps the most common signal, though a cat with food allergies will scratch a little differently than a cat dealing with fleabites. The consistency of irritation can be telling, as fleas tend to congregate in specific areas and may also only bother your pet seasonally.

2. Irregular Bowel Movements

Food allergens can also result in diarrhea or other excretory issues. Some cats react to certain ingredients, such as:

  • Grain
  • Meat
  • Dairy

Try finding a brand of food that eliminates one of these culprits to see if that alleviates the issue.

3. Hair Loss

This is another symptom that people commonly mistake for a flea reaction, when it can actually be the cat’s food causing the problem. If a change in diet results in hair loss, you may need to change the food again.

Getting your cat on the right diet is very important. To find a cat veterinarian in San Jose who can help you find the appropriate food, visit this website.

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